
The world is much divided because people tend to judge others based on their differences rather than their inner self. The color of one’s skin and their ethnicity are prime factors for people judging others. People will often say that they celebrate diversity; yet, the same people are quite prejudicial. It is easy to say you are not judgmental, but in fact most people are constantly talking about others especially those not like them. It is a double standard and a deceptive thought process. Often the prejudice shown by people is base on learned behaviors from parents, family and friends. The media is also a contributor to stereotypes as well. Although there are still parts of our society that isolate themselves from others who are different, diversity is here to stay in the United States and it is a reality of the future.


Diversity as described in the dictionary by definition is variety, multiform, a point of difference. This is so true in today’s society but the exposure to different cultures and colors of people is dependent on where they live. The easiest way to realize the amount of diversity in a community is simply to visit the local public schools. There are some schools that are almost minority free. The children brought up in this environment have little contact with students unlike themselves. They have been sheltered from diversity and one could argue that this is by design of their parents. Their outlook on minorities is not based on actual contact with different groups. It is based on stereotypes and past history as told to them. It is not first hand knowledge and based on ignorance. In many ways it is not the child’s fault and it falls on the educational system to teach these children about various cultures. This may lead to a better understanding of others and reduce the blatant prejudice that exists today.


There are many people who believe strongly about having their children exposed to different cultures and races of people. Some people actually choose a school based on their diversity and minority population. The parents of these children strongly understand the importance of knowing about others unlike themselves so they can interact positively in a changing society. They have faith in all man and realize understanding different viewpoints will make their son or daughter a more rounded and productive citizen.


Yet, there are still people who feel that their children do not have to accept people of color as equals because they are different. Their teachings often grounded in ignorance send a strong message to their children that they should ignore and not associate with these children. Parents are evil in this case and are poor role models for their children. It seems that these misguided parents are so protective of their own culture that they do not and will not give others a chance to be a member of their group. If their children are not exposed to their culture, they believe that the culture and their way of life will not be disturbed. This isolation fosters prejudice, hatred and ignorance. If the parents are unwilling to change, than the pubic school system has no choice. It must teach all children about diversity and prepare them for the community at large and about the future of the United States concerning the shift in population. This is not a rumor but a fact of life that prejudice people will have to face and so will their children.


It is the school’s responsibility to require courses that teach students about other cultures, races and religions. This educational process should start at a very young age and begin at the elementary grades. This will help children learn to accept people for whom they are and realize that differences are a normal part of life. Teachers must be willing to lead discussions that accentuate the positive about others and not promote the age old negative behaviors and prejudices. In fact all educators should be role models for the promotion and acceptance of diversity. The assumption that a certain race is superior or preferred can no longer be tolerated and public schools need to ply an important role in destroying this negative and detrimental ay of thinking.


Judging people in today’s society needs to be done based on factual and personal experience. Stereotypes and misconceptions are unfair and prejudicial. It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children strong moral values and beliefs. If the parents are unwilling to take on this responsibility, it becomes the job of the public schools. In order for children to succeed in the future, they will need to interact and communicate with varying cultures and races of people. It is to everyone’s advantage to work together and ignore those who promote prejudice and hatred. Ultimately children will have to work and learn about others on their own and coexist for the god of society. The definition of diversity speaks about differences. The more important definition might be tolerance. Tolerance defined is a fair and permissive attitude toward those whose race, religion and culture differ from one’s own. A tolerant person would not judge but rather understand. Diversity would then be celebrated not despised.


Hey allie its JenLo. I really like your paper on diversity because it looks at the issue in a completely different light than most of the other ones I have looked at. You bring up some very valid points, esp. about schools. Structure wise your paper looks good, except that most of the paper is about school's influence and how they impose diversity and you do not mention anything about schools in your introduction. You also bring up the media in the introduction but do not expand on it anywhere in the paper. I changed the last sentance in your intro a little bit to make it flow better. Other than that your paper flows nicely with good transitions. Your conclusion is great in wraping up your arguments.