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Final Grades for the course will determined as follows:


Blogs: 20 percent (Have the blogs been written? Do they respond rhetorically and in a timely fashion to the course and other bloggers?)


Narrative and Argument Assignments: 10 percent each, for a total of 50 percent


Final Project(10-12 page "paper"): 20 percent


Revision and Other Participation: 10 percent


Please read the Composition Office Grading Standards for further details.


Due dates (You will need to use your browser's back button to return to this page.)



Class attendance is mandatory. According to Faculty Senate Policy 42-27 "the fact that classes are scheduled is evidence that the faculty believes instruction is important. It is implicit, therefore, that class attendance is important for the benefit of students." Attendance in this section of English 15 is required. While it is understood that emergencies / University-sanctioned activities may arise which result in your missing one or more classes, frequent absences may negatively affect your final grade. As a rule, one or two absences will have little impact on your final grade, assuming you participate enthusiastically when you are in class and realize you are responsible for all material covered during the missed class(es). In the event that your attendance, or lack thereof, becomes a problem, I will ask you to meet with me to discuss our options. These options may include a failing grade or a lower grade than you might have earned had you attended classes regularly.




Information Management


Please back up everything you write for this course. You should either write your wiki posts in a word processor and save before posting, or write directly in the wiki and cut and paste to an open word processing window as you go along. Information technologies are perhaps inherently volatile, so it is always good to have redundancy in your writing process: make copies and put them in different places!


Freedom of Speech and Cognitive Liberty


As you will see, classrooms and wikis are both spaces devoted to free inquiry. This is a rhetorical space, one where composers are response-able to each other: they think and write in response to each other, and not to a preconceived notion of each other. Assume the best in those you study with and be generous with your respect, and you will teach them to respond in kind.


Penn State's Statement on Intolerance


The First Amendment of The United States Constitution


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